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8 giorni / 7 notti

Best of Jordan

Best of Jordan

A partire da:€ 1.250

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Il viaggio in pillole

6 nights in a hotel with breakfast included 1 night in a tented camp with breakfast included 6 dinners in a hotel + 1 dinner in the tented camp Transfers, visits, excursions

  • Durata

    8 giorni / 7 notti Durata

  • Volo incluso

    Volo incluso Trasporto

  • Guida italiana

    Guida italiana Accompagnatore

  • Ospiti e gruppo

    2 / 25 persone Gruppo di viaggio

  • Fascia d'età

    18/60 Fascia d'età

Descrizione del tour

Discover a world of ancient wonders with our Tour The Best of Jordan! Starting from Amman, the vibrant capital, we will lead you through a timeless journey. Marvel at the grandeur of Petra, the rocky city carved into millennia-old stone. Explore Jerash, a well-preserved Roman treasure, and wander through the ruins of Ajloun.

But the true magic of the Jordan Tour begins in the Wadi Rum desert, where you'll spend nights under a starry sky, immersing yourself in Bedouin culture in traditional tents. And let's not forget about Little Petra, a hidden gem rich in history. With a local guide speaking English, you'll experience an authentic and unforgettable adventure that blends culture, adventure, and breathtaking panoramas. A journey that leaves a mark in the heart and mind, among ancient treasures and pristine landscapes. Discover Jordan with us and be enchanted by this land of mystery and wonder.

  • Giorno 1 Italy/Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Departure from Italy with a scheduled flight. Arrival in Amman, meeting with the local representative who will assist you with entry procedures. Transfer to the hotel Mena Tyche - Lilac and check-in to the reserved rooms. Dinner (in case of arrival after 9:00 pm, a cold dinner/dinner box will be served). Overnight stay.

  • Giorno 2 Amman/Madaba/Mount Nebo/Castello Shobak/Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    • Breakfast and departure for Madaba

    Visit to the Orthodox Christian Church of St. George with the mosaic map of Jerusalem, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. We proceed to Mount Nebo, a ridge reaching 817 meters above sea level, located in western Jordan. The view from the summit offers a panorama of the Holy Land and, to the north, of the Jordan River valley. The city of Jericho in the West Bank is usually visible from the summit, as well as Jerusalem on a very clear day. Visit to Shobak Castle, known to the Crusaders as Mont Real or Mons Regalis, the Royal Mount Fortress. It was built in 1115 by King Baldwin I of Jerusalem to guard the road from Damascus to Egypt and was the first in a series of fortresses belonging to the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. The imposing castle stands as a solitary reminder of the ancient Crusader glory above a rugged and wild landscape dotted with a vast expanse of fruit trees. Transfer to Petra. Accommodation in a hotel, Petra Castle Hotel dinner, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 3 Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    • Breakfast. Departure for the visit of Petra

    located about 3-5 hours south of modern Amman, about 2 hours north of Aqaba, and on the edge of the mountainous Wadi Araba desert. The city is surrounded by towering hills of rusty-colored sandstone that provided ancient Petra with natural protection against invaders. The site is semi-arid due to the friable sandstone, which easily crumbled into sand and allowed the Nabateans to carve temples and tombs into the rock. The stone color varies from pale yellow or white through bright reds to the darker brown of the more resistant rocks. The twisted layers of different colors form spirals and waves in the rock wall, which the Nabateans exploited as decorative elements in their architecture. Access to the archaeological area is extraordinarily evocative: walking along a path inside a deep canyon, between sculptures and engineering works (the Siq), we reach the so-called "Treasury," a building entirely carved into the rock. At the end of the approximately 4-hour visit, those who wish can reach the "Monastery" (free visit) from which you can enjoy a splendid view. Return to the Petra hotel for dinner and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 4 Petra/Little Petra/Wadi Rum

    • Breakfast. Departure for Beidha

    also known as Little Petra, the place where the Nabateans entertained their guests. It is one of the main crossroads of Petra, the entry and exit point of trade routes to the north and northwest. Here, caravans from Negev, Gaza, Askalon,, Jerusalem, and the Phoenicians halted during their commercial travels. Merchants likely stayed in the cool isolation of Siq Al-Barid, the cold canyon, whose entrance is at the end of a narrowing valley. 2-hour visit in a 4x4 jeep in Wadi Rum, the desert known as The Valley of the Moon, following the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia and climbing sand dunes and rock bridges. It is a valley carved into sandstone and granite rock in southern Jordan, 60 km east of Aqaba. The highest elevation in Wadi Rum is Mount Um Dami at over 1800 m above sea level. Arrival at the tented camp and accommodation in tents. Dinner and overnight stay at the tented camp.

  • Giorno 5 Wadi Rum/Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast and departure for Amman. Accommodation at the hotel and rest of the day at leisure. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

  • Giorno 6 Amman/Jerash/Ajloun/Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    • Breakfast. Panoramic tour of Amman

    the capital of Jordan, with its important avenues, the Citadel, and the Roman Theatre. Next, departure to the beautifully preserved Greco-Roman city of Jerash. Then proceed to Ajloun with the imposing fortress of Qa'lat Al Rabat dominating the Jordan Valley. It was from this position that Saladin's forces launched their attacks against the Crusaders. Return to the hotel in Amman, dinner, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 7 Amman/Desert Castles/Dead Sea (*)

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Benessere Benessere

    • Breakfast

    Head to the eastern part of Amman to visit some of the most representative Desert Castles: buildings constructed between the 7th and 11th centuries. Some were used as caravanserais, others as pavilions, and still others as military forts for defending territories. Afterwards, departure for the Dead Sea. Descend 1,000 meters to the lowest point on earth, 400 meters below sea level. Accommodation at the hotel. Opportunity for swimming. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

  • Giorno 8 Dead Sea/Amman/Italy

    Cultura Cultura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo
    Benessere Benessere

    Breakfast (according to departure time) and departure to Amman airport. Completion of embarkation formalities and departure to Italy by scheduled flight.

    (*) Please note that starting from March 1 onwards, on the 7th day the visit to the Desert Castles will no longer take place, but after breakfast we will depart directly for the Dead Sea, so as to have the day available for some relaxation and to enjoy the beauty of the Dead Sea to the fullest.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is the tour with the best price on the market! Recommended for people with a spirit of adventure, ability to adapt to changes, and a desire to have fun, but especially for those who aim for the significant savings that this trip offers compared to other itineraries. The itinerary has an extremely advantageous cost because it can be flexible and varied during the tour in the order of overnight stays and excursions, however maintaining the essence of the program, as well as similar hotels can be confirmed respecting the booked category. The guides are friendly and dynamic, present only during excursions, thus also giving customers more autonomy and freedom in the trip.

    Deserts, colors, scents. The mysterious charm of adventure, which then reveals unpredictable facets. And finally, Jerusalem, synonymous with culture, discovery, and encounter. The program is group with shared services, with an Italian-speaking guide, in which we highlight the following "travel experiences":
    • Discovering the desert castles of Amra, Azraq and Karraneh, a step back into the most fascinating past of the Middle East.
    • Evocative walk to Petra, through the Siq, the narrow gorge over a kilometer long, flanked by 80-meter high rock walls.
    • 4x4 jeep excursion in the Wadi Rum desert, also known as the Valley of the Moon.
    • Possibility of a swim in the waters of Aqaba.
    • Stop at the majestic Shobak Castle, a solitary reminder of ancient Crusader glory.
    • Beauty baths in the salty and beneficial waters of the Dead Sea

travellero tour


Informazioni importanti

General travel information

General travel information

Remember to bring a valid passport with an expiration date of no less than 6 months at the time of entry into the country. The currency in Jordan is the Dinar (JOD).

Visas and vaccinations

Visas and vaccinations

The visa is obtained upon arrival at the airport through the assistance of our correspondent, provided that the passport data is sent to our offices at least 7 days before departure. Vaccinations are not required for those coming from Italy.

Emergency numbers

Emergency numbers

Embassy of Italy Amman, Hafiz Ibrahim Street, 5/7, Jabal Al Weibdeh, P.O. Box 9800, 11191 Amman, Jordan. Tel: +962 6 4638185 - Emergency mobile: +962 775415000 - Police: 911 - Preventive Security Department Tel: (+962 6) 5601652

Cancellation insurance options available

Cancellation insurance options available

For the proposed packages, cancellation insurance is available, guaranteeing a refund of 75/80%, depending on the circumstances. In case you have valid reasons preventing you from traveling, there is a deductible of 20/15%.

Le nostre guide

Scopri il mondo con le nostre guide esperte: esperienze uniche, conoscenze locale e passioni condivise ti attendono in ogni tappa del tuo viaggio. Il tour dei tuoi sogni inizia qui.


Star Star Star Star Star
Star Star Star Star Star

Consiglio questo servizio

Servizio di prenotazione eccellente, personale gentilissimo e attento a qualsiasi problematica. Mi sono confrontata più volte con la signora Luisa ed è sempre stata professionale e super gentile.


Star Star Star Star Star


Ci siamo trovati molto bene con la Travellero, ci hanno aiutato a scegliere la struttura che ci ha permesso di avere una magnifica vacanza in Sardegna a settembre 2023 e ci siamo appena rivolti di nuovo a loro per organizzare le nostre vacanze a Tenerife per il 2024. Sempre molto gentili e cordiali! Abbiamo ricevuto un'offerta dal rapporto qualità - prezzo ECCELLENTE


Star Star Star Star Star

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Non conoscevo Travellero come Tour Operetor, che dire,competenza,gentilezza,disponibilità oltre il dovuto. Mi hanno trovato la soluzione a me più consona,subito dopo aver dato loro le richieste generali da accontentare. Continuerò ad affidarmi a loro,solo superlativo assoluto....grazieeeeee


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