Offers in Otranto month of January

All hotel offers in Otranto in Janaury. Discover maps, photos and more. Make an online quote in one click, compare the rates of hotelsresidences and apartments. Save and book your Janaury holiday in in Otranto for a fantastic stay.

Hotel Basiliani Resort

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

Only a few minutes away from Otranto centre and 40 km far from Lecce, the Basiliani Resort & Spa is the ideal location for those who want to spend a relaxing holiday in close contact with nature.

da € 50 per persona a notte

da € 50 per persona a notte

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da € 70 per persona a notte

da € 70 per persona a notte

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Corte di Nettuno

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

La Corte di Nettuno is a 4-star hotel located in an ancient Salento courtyard, in the heart of Otranto, just 300 meters from the port. It offers its guests the treatment of bed and breakfast or half ...

da € 65 per persona a notte

da € 65 per persona a notte

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Fruit Village Torcito Resort Sport Village

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

The Torcito Resort Sport Village is located in Cannole, a few minutes from the city of Otranto. The structure is completely immersed in the greenery of the adjacent Torcito natural park.

Alimini Smile Village

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

The facility was recently renovated and is situated in a six-hectar park, at a short distance from Otranto, a real gem of Salento, locality full of caribbean-like beaches, history, art and culture.

da € 56 per persona a notte

da € 56 per persona a notte

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Futura Club Baia dei Turchi

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

3 km from Otranto, the complex is located in a privileged position near the beach of Baia dei Turchi, one of the rarest and most admired pearls of Salento. The elegant environments with a refined ...

da € 60 per persona a notte

da € 60 per persona a notte

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Masseria Mongiò dell'Elefante

Hotel starsHotel starsHotel starsHotel stars Salento Otranto

Masseria Mongiò dell'Elefante is located in an area of considerable landscape value, among the most beautiful and evocative of the coast of Otranto, next to the famous "Baia dei Turchi", a bay with ...

da € 80 per persona a notte

da € 80 per persona a notte

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