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8 giorni / 7 notti

Essential Jordan Tour

Essential Jordan Tour

A partire da:€ 1.595

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Il viaggio in pillole

7 nights in hotel accommodation with breakfast included
7 dinners at the hotel + 5 lunches in local restaurants
2-hour excursion in Wadi Rum by 4x4 vehicle
Transfers, tours, excursions

  • Durata

    8 giorni / 7 notti Durata

  • Volo incluso

    Volo incluso Trasporto

  • Guida italiana

    Guida italiana Accompagnatore

  • Ospiti e gruppo

    2 / 25 persone Gruppo di viaggio

  • Fascia d'età

    20/65 Fascia d'età

Descrizione del tour

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Essential Jordan Tour with our exceptional journey that will take you through the millennia-old streets of Amman, the majestic ruins of Jerash, the fortress of Ajlun, the mysterious charm of Petra, and the breathtaking panorama from Mount Nebo. Discover the wonders of these ancient cities and let yourself be captivated by their timeless history and beauty. With the assistance of expert local guides in English, each stop will be a journey into the past and present of this fascinating country. Book your Jordan trip now and let yourself be enchanted by its incredible attractions.

  • Giorno 1 Italy - Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Departure from Italy by scheduled flight. Arrival in Amman and clearance of customs formalities. Meeting with the local assistant and transfer to the hotel. Dinner at the hotel and overnight stay.

    PLEASE NOTE: In case of flight delay, dinner at the hotel restaurant will be replaced with a cold meal/snack served in the room.

  • Giorno 2 Amman, Desert Castles, Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast. The morning will be dedicated to an orientation tour of the capital Amman, a modern and cosmopolitan city. The city tour will provide an overview of the Jordanian capital, including the Citadel and the Roman Theatre, two of the city's most famous archaeological sites. Lunch during the excursion. In the afternoon, we head towards the interior of Jordan: just a few kilometers away from Amman begins the desert. In this area, the famous castles of Amra, Azraq, and Karraneh were built, which appear more like noble palaces than actual fortresses. The structures date back to the 7th century when the Umayyads wanted to present themselves as princes of the desert Bedouins. Return to Amman in the late afternoon, dinner at the hotel, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 3 Amman, Jerash, Ajlun, Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast. The morning will be dedicated to the excursion to Jerash, the Pompeii of the East. The ancient Gerasa, a powerful and thriving Roman commercial colony, boasts a significant archaeological heritage: the Cardo, the South Theater, the Temple of Zeus, the Arch of Hadrian, the Temple of Artemis, and the Nymphaeum. The city's 14 churches date back to the Byzantine era and are rich in precious mosaics. We will then continue with the visit to Ajloun Castle, a Muslim fortress strategically positioned to control the Jordan Valley on the ancient road that connected Damascus to Cairo. Lunch at a local restaurant. Return to Amman. Dinner at the hotel and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 4 Amman, Madaba, Mount Nebo, Shawbak, Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast. Following the ancient Kings' Highway (dating back 5,000 years), we reach Madaba, where we find the famous mosaic of the Church of St. George, known as the "Map of the Holy Land," depicting various routes to Jerusalem from major locations in the Middle East. It is a precious work dating back to the 6th century. We then proceed to Mount Nebo, the place from which Moses had the vision of the Promised Land and where the prophet himself was buried. A small square church was built on the site by early Byzantine Christians and later expanded into a complex structure. Lunch at a local restaurant. We continue with a visit to the impressive Crusader castle of Shawbak, surrounded by a remote and wild landscape, a building that manages to fascinate even the most indifferent of travelers. Arrival in Petra in the late afternoon. Check-in at the hotel and dinner. In the evening, tickets for the night entry to Petra, offered as a gift by Travellero: a path illuminated by thousands of candles and accompanied by the sound of Bedouin Treasury music, leading to the entrance of the Siq (transport and guide excluded). Overnight stay at the hotel.

  • Giorno 5 Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast. The entire day will be dedicated to visiting the archaeological site of the Nabatean capital. Ancient Petra was one of the Middle East's commercial centers. Protected by the rosy rocks of the Jordanian mountains, ancient Petra experienced extraordinary wealth until the 8th century when it was abandoned. Access to the archaeological area is extraordinarily evocative: walking through a path inside a very deep canyon, among sculptures and engineering works (the Siq), we reach the so-called "Treasury," a building entirely carved into the rock. After a short stop, we continue the descent towards the Theater until we reach the Royal Tombs and the Byzantine Church which features some very well-preserved mosaic floors from that era. Lunch during the excursion. At the end of the visit, those who wish can visit the "Monastery El Deir" (self-guided tour) from where you can enjoy a splendid view. Return to the hotel, dinner, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 6 Petra, Little Petra, Wadi Rum, Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast and departure to Siq Al-Barid (Little Petra) for a visit to the archaeological site which includes tombs, water channels, and cisterns carved into the rock, temples, and remnants of frescoes on plaster. This small inhabited center was used by the Nabateans to host caravans from Arabia and the East, and it's the place where many religious activities took place, including the Feast of the Drink, when the Nabatean king would organize celebrations and offer drinks to his guests. After the visit, continue to the desert of Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, with ancient riverbeds, wind-carved mountains, and vast desert panoramas with smooth sands in pastel colors. This desert area, the most striking in Jordan, is especially known for the saga of Lawrence of Arabia, who lived here for a long time. The visit, lasting about two hours, is conducted by 4x4. Lunch during the excursion. In the afternoon, departure for Amman. Arrival in the evening, dinner at the hotel, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 7 Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Gastronomia Cibo
    Benessere Benessere

    Breakfast. Day at leisure for individual visits and activities. Possibility to participate in various optional excursions: Bethany (site of the Baptism of Christ), the Dead Sea, or the Ma'In Springs. It is recommended to book them in advance. Lunch on your own. Dinner at the hotel and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 8 Amman, Italy

    Breakfast (according to departure time) and free time until transfer to the airport. Completion of boarding procedures and departure for Italy with a scheduled flight.

    PLEASE NOTE: This travel program refers to departures on Sundays. For departures on Saturdays, the free day with lunch is scheduled for Sunday, and the tour begins on Monday. For departures on Tuesdays, the order of excursions will undergo slight variations from the published itinerary, while maintaining the substance of the program (the free day with lunch is scheduled for Saturday, the 5th day).

travellero tour


Informazioni importanti

General travel information

General travel information

Remember to bring a valid passport with an expiration date of no less than 6 months at the time of entry into the country. The currency in Jordan is the Dinar (JOD).

Visas and vaccinations

Visas and vaccinations

The visa is obtained upon arrival at the airport through the assistance of our correspondent, provided that the passport data is sent to our offices at least 7 days before departure. Vaccinations are not required for those coming from Italy.

Emergency numbers

Emergency numbers

Embassy of Italy Amman, Hafiz Ibrahim Street, 5/7, Jabal Al Weibdeh, P.O. Box 9800, 11191 Amman, Jordan. Tel: +962 6 4638185 - Emergency mobile: +962 775415000 - Police: 911 - Preventive Security Department Tel: (+962 6) 5601652

Cancellation insurance options available

Cancellation insurance options available

For the proposed packages, cancellation insurance is available, guaranteeing a refund of 75/80%, depending on the circumstances. In case you have valid reasons preventing you from traveling, there is a deductible of 20/15%.

Le nostre guide

Scopri il mondo con le nostre guide esperte: esperienze uniche, conoscenze locale e passioni condivise ti attendono in ogni tappa del tuo viaggio. Il tour dei tuoi sogni inizia qui.


Star Star Star Star Star
Star Star Star Star Star

Consiglio questo servizio

Servizio di prenotazione eccellente, personale gentilissimo e attento a qualsiasi problematica. Mi sono confrontata più volte con la signora Luisa ed è sempre stata professionale e super gentile.


Star Star Star Star Star


Ci siamo trovati molto bene con la Travellero, ci hanno aiutato a scegliere la struttura che ci ha permesso di avere una magnifica vacanza in Sardegna a settembre 2023 e ci siamo appena rivolti di nuovo a loro per organizzare le nostre vacanze a Tenerife per il 2024. Sempre molto gentili e cordiali! Abbiamo ricevuto un'offerta dal rapporto qualità - prezzo ECCELLENTE


Star Star Star Star Star

Continuerò ad affidarmi a loro

Non conoscevo Travellero come Tour Operetor, che dire,competenza,gentilezza,disponibilità oltre il dovuto. Mi hanno trovato la soluzione a me più consona,subito dopo aver dato loro le richieste generali da accontentare. Continuerò ad affidarmi a loro,solo superlativo assoluto....grazieeeeee


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