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8 giorni / 7 notti

Jordan Discovery Tour

Jordan Discovery Tour

A partire da:€ 1.483

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Departure with flights from Rome Fiumicino - Milan Malpensa

Il viaggio in pillole

6 nights in a hotel with breakfast included 1 night in a tented camp with breakfast included 6 dinners in a hotel + 1 dinner in the tented camp Transfers, visits, excursions

  • Durata

    8 giorni / 7 notti Durata

  • Volo incluso

    Volo incluso Trasporto

  • Guida italiana

    Guida italiana Accompagnatore

  • Ospiti e gruppo

    2 / 25 persone Gruppo di viaggio

  • Fascia d'età

    18/45 Fascia d'età

Descrizione del tour

Discover the extraordinary beauty of Jordan with our Jordan Discovery Tour. Journeying through ancient archaeological sites, hidden treasures, and breathtaking landscapes led by expert local guides. Starting from Amman, the modern capital, we will explore the Roman ruins of Jerash, visit Petra, the pink city carved into the rock and its Treasure, then proceed to the Monastery, a majestic work carved into the mountain by the Nabateans between the 2nd and 1st centuries BC to house the remains of King Obodas.

We will continue the tour with an exciting jeep adventure in the Wadi Rum desert, where we will camp under a fantastic starry sky and enjoy a traditional dinner. We will reach the Dead Sea where we will have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the salty waters and experience a fantastic moment. With the Jordan Discovery Tour, you will live an unforgettable experience immersed in the history, culture, and nature of this fascinating country.

  • Giorno 1 Italy/Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Departure from Italy by scheduled flight. Arrival in Amman, meeting with the local representative who will assist you with entry procedures. Transfer to the hotel and accommodation in reserved rooms. Dinner (in case of arrival after 9:00 PM, a cold dinner/dinner box will be served). Overnight stay.

  • Giorno 2 Amman/Madaba/Monte Nebo/Kerak/Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast and departure for Madaba, a small Christian town south of Amman. You will discover splendid Byzantine mosaics, especially the "Map of Madaba," the oldest preserved map of the Middle East, which is definitely worth a visit. Continue towards Mount Nebo. From the site, there is a splendid view of the Dead Sea and the mountains of the Judean Desert. It is not difficult to imagine how Moses looked upon the Promised Land from the same point, knowing he would never reach it. Departure south to the ancient Crusader castle of Kerak, with its famous labyrinth of salt and passages with stone vaults. The city of Kerak was the capital of Moab and the castle dominates the skyline. The fortress offers an impressive insight into the architectural and military skills of the Crusaders. Lunch en route. Arrival in Petra and check-in at the hotel. Dinner and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 3 Petra

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast. Day dedicated to the discovery of Petra, among the new 7 wonders of the modern world. From the visitor center, you start by crossing the Siq, a narrow canyon of red sandstone with high walls, towards the famous Treasury. Time available to admire the magnificent building, which was carved into the stone thousands of years ago. Continue to explore the rest of the pink-red city with its numerous caves and Roman tombs, theater, palaces, and many other structures. A nice walk will allow you to reach the High Place of Sacrifice or even the Monastery. Lunch on your own. Return to the hotel, dinner, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 4 Petra/Piccola Petra/Wadi Rum

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast and departure for Siq al-Barid (Little Petra) located near the main site. The visitor can explore the village carved 8,000 years ago. This is Petra in miniature with a modest gorge but with wonderful temples carved into the rock, caves, and multicolored rock walls and being less visited, it has its own atmosphere. Continue to Wadi Rum to admire the sunset and observe the stars in the night sky, while enjoying the legendary hospitality of the Bedouins, before sleeping at the foot of the wonderful mountains that rise from the desert landscape. Lunch on your own. 2-hour Jeep safari in the desert, dinner, and overnight stay in the tented camp.

  • Giorno 5 Wadi Rum/Mar Morto

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Relax Relax
    Avventura Avventura
    Benessere Benessere

    Breakfast, continuation towards the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. Arrival, hotel check-in, and the rest of the day at leisure to relax in the waters of the Dead Sea or to experience invigorating mud baths to purify the skin. At sunset, from the hills of the West Bank, you can see Jerusalem in the distance. Lunch on your own. Dinner and overnight stay at the hotel.

  • Giorno 6 Dead Sea

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Relax Relax
    Gastronomia Cibo
    Benessere Benessere

    Breakfast and the rest of the day at leisure for relaxation or the opportunity to participate in optional excursions. Lunch on your own, dinner, and overnight stay at the hotel.

  • Giorno 7 Dead Sea/Jerash/Ajloun/Amman

    Cultura Cultura
    Natura Natura
    Storia Storia
    Avventura Avventura
    Gastronomia Cibo

    Breakfast and departure for the visit of northern Jordan. The first stop will be Jerash, the archaeological site considered one of the most important and well-preserved Roman cities in the Middle East. After Jerash, continue to Ajloun. From kilometers away, you can already see the castle, built to repel the Crusader armies in the main commercial and pilgrimage crossroads between Jerusalem, Cairo, Damascus, and Mecca, which has lost none of its powerful presence to this day. Lunch on your own. Arrival in Amman in time to explore the Citadel, one of the city's most famous archaeological sites. Hotel check-in, dinner, and overnight stay.

  • Giorno 8 Amman/Italia

    Breakfast (according to the departure time) and transfer to Amman airport (departure from the hotel approximately 3 hours before the flight departure). Completion of boarding procedures and departure for Italy with a scheduled flight.

travellero tour


Informazioni importanti

General travel information

General travel information

Remember to bring a valid passport with an expiration date of no less than 6 months at the time of entry into the country. The currency in Jordan is the Dinar (JOD).

Visas and vaccinations

Visas and vaccinations

The visa is obtained upon arrival at the airport through the assistance of our correspondent, provided that the passport data is sent to our offices at least 7 days before departure. Vaccinations are not required for those coming from Italy.

Emergency numbers

Emergency numbers

Embassy of Italy Amman, Hafiz Ibrahim Street, 5/7, Jabal Al Weibdeh, P.O. Box 9800, 11191 Amman, Jordan. Tel: +962 6 4638185 - Emergency mobile: +962 775415000 - Police: 911 - Preventive Security Department Tel: (+962 6) 5601652

Cancellation insurance options available

Cancellation insurance options available

For the proposed packages, cancellation insurance is available, guaranteeing a refund of 75/80%, depending on the circumstances. In case you have valid reasons preventing you from traveling, there is a deductible of 20/15%.

Le nostre guide

Scopri il mondo con le nostre guide esperte: esperienze uniche, conoscenze locale e passioni condivise ti attendono in ogni tappa del tuo viaggio. Il tour dei tuoi sogni inizia qui.


Star Star Star Star Star
Star Star Star Star Star

Consiglio questo servizio

Servizio di prenotazione eccellente, personale gentilissimo e attento a qualsiasi problematica. Mi sono confrontata più volte con la signora Luisa ed è sempre stata professionale e super gentile.


Star Star Star Star Star


Ci siamo trovati molto bene con la Travellero, ci hanno aiutato a scegliere la struttura che ci ha permesso di avere una magnifica vacanza in Sardegna a settembre 2023 e ci siamo appena rivolti di nuovo a loro per organizzare le nostre vacanze a Tenerife per il 2024. Sempre molto gentili e cordiali! Abbiamo ricevuto un'offerta dal rapporto qualità - prezzo ECCELLENTE


Star Star Star Star Star

Continuerò ad affidarmi a loro

Non conoscevo Travellero come Tour Operetor, che dire,competenza,gentilezza,disponibilità oltre il dovuto. Mi hanno trovato la soluzione a me più consona,subito dopo aver dato loro le richieste generali da accontentare. Continuerò ad affidarmi a loro,solo superlativo assoluto....grazieeeeee


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